Turkesterone and epicatechin stack
Several factors impact your ability to grow muscle. Most of those you can control (diet, exercise, recovery), but the biggest factor governing your ability to build massive muscles (your genetics) you have no control over…until now!
Epicatechin is a revolutionary all-natural muscle building supplement that flips the genetic switch, enabling you to become the physical freak that nature never intended. EpiCat isn’t a steroid, prohormone, or some other research chemical. It utilizes extracts isolated from dark chocolate and green tea to boost your anabolic potential and transform it a tower of strength and power! significantly aids muscle growth by inhibiting myostatin, a protein present in your muscles cells that limits growth and differentiation. Research shows that epicatechin stimulates release of follistatin, another protein that blocks the actions of myostatin, leading to increased exercise capacity, strength, and muscle growth.
Epicatechin has been the subject of several studies that have uncovered a host of physiological benefits, including:
Enhancing muscle growth and strength naturally via a novel pathway
Increasing nitric oxide production for improved vascularity, blood flow and endurance
Improving insulin sensitivity, regulating blood sugar levels and stimulating muscle protein synthesis
Lowering cholesterol levels due to its natural antioxidant properties
Improving brain and heart health
These far-reaching benefits make epicatechin a worthwhile addition to your supplement arsenal whether you’re looking to build muscle, burn fat or increase your athletic performance, and because it’s non-hormonal, epicatechin can be used by both men and women with no side effects.
Myostatin inhibition – the secret to amazing muscle gain
Those of you old enough to live through the 90’s era of bodybuilding will remember when myostatin first came to prominence after photographs of some seriously jacked cows were published showing a level of muscularity that was simply shocking.
Epicatechin is both so beneficial and so harmless that it can be used for any length of time and there is no need to restrict usage to a short cycle. We suggest trying it for four weeks at a minimum or taking it on an ongoing basis for best results
Epicatechin gallate – Wikipedia
Turkesterone Is An Ecdysteroid (ECDY) Which Are Steroid Hormones Found In Arthropods And Insects But Can Also Be Found Naturally In Certain Plant Species. Turkesterone Has Been Found To Aid Athletic Performance and Lean Muscle Growth, Repair And Recovery. Research Also Suggests That It Helps Reduce An Individuals Body Fat Percentage As Well As Support Protein Production and Libido. WITHOUT STEROIDAL SIDE EFFECTS: Unlike Anabolic Steroids And Other Performance Enhancing Supplements.
Turkesterone Does Not Bind To Androgen Receptors, And Therefore Does Not Cause Any Steroidal Side Effects Such As Gyno, Suppressed Testosterone, Acne And Hair Loss (Just To Name A Few). By Stimulating Different Anabolic Pathways, Turkesterone Seems To Be The Most Natural And Anabolic (Muscle Building) Out Of All Ecdysteroids.
It is much safer than other anabolic steroids and prohormones, which may be one reason for the rise in popularity of turkesterone, even though it appears to behave similarly without binding to androgen receptors. Another reason for the popularity of turkesterone is that it is much more effective than other prohormones. Muscle growth, enhanced muscle repair, and increased muscle protein synthesis are all benefits associated with the use of turkesterone. Turkesterone is effective because it improves the efficiency of the mRNA translation process and helps our muscle cells better absorb leucine.
Because of its beneficial effect on protein synthesis, you can achieve a positive nitrogen balance and stop the breakdown of muscle tissue and waste muscle. Some evidence suggests that Turkesterone may also enhance the amount of ATP found in muscle, which, in turn, leads to an increase in the amount of energy and endurance muscles have while exercising.
Last but not least, Turkesterone possesses adaptogenic qualities, which could have beneficial impacts on mental health and could be useful in reducing anxiety. The fact that a PCT or post-cycle therapy is not necessary in order to utilise turkesterone is something that a lot of users truly like about this steroid. Since turkesterone does not produce a rise in testosterone levels, there is no danger of testosterone suppression after using it in a cycle.
Turkesterone improves muscle growth because of it’s affects on the body during the recovery process.
While you are training in the gym, your muscle tissues become damaged and your body is in a catabolic state. This process involves burning tissue for energy.
Once you finish your session, your body will take on what’s called an anabolic state.
This is where muscles grow and gains are made, but only if your body has a positive nitrogen balance.
It’s the nitrogen balance in your body that determines whether you are in a muscle-building mode or a muscle-burning mode.
This is where Turkesterone comes in.
Turkesterone has been shown in multiple studies to improve nitrogen balance which gets your body in an anabolic state for maximum muscle growth.
Dosage Take 1 to 2 Capsules daily, preferrably with a meal, for a minimum of 30 days. How to take Turkesterone To achieve optimum results, a 8-12 week Turkesterone cycle should be considered
For information regarding Turkesterone please check out our articles below
What is Turkesterone? | The Nutrition King
A Complete Guide to Turkesterone Supplements (thenutritionking.co.uk)
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